Exam, Attendance & Fines
- Any student, whose attendance for the entire academic session is less than 75% will not be allowed to appear in the final examinations. More than 3 leaves in a month will lead to the cancellation of candidature.
- The name of the student will be struck-off from the school rolls if the student remains absent from the school for 3 days continuously without any prior information or approval.
- A student who fails to clear the dues as per the Fee Schedule will not be allowed to attend the classes or appear in the examinations.
- Student in untidy or improper school uniform will not be allowed to attend the classes and will be sent back home.
- The name of the student who is found indulged in smoking, tobacco- chewing, abusing, bullying or obscene behavior or found with weapons shall be struck off from the school rolls.
- The minimum pass marks for each subject is 33%.
- Special arrangements can not be made for pupils, who for any reason whatsoever are absent from the main examination or any part of them. Answer scripts submitted by pupils for these examinations will not be returned to parents, private tutors or others.
- There can be no preponement or postponement of any test paper or examination. If a child is absent on medical grounds, his/her final result will be decided on the basis of his/her year's work. Result once declared are final and binding.
- Willful breach of any of the regulations pertaining to the conduct of the examination is punishable with expulsion from the examination.